Cacao Cayapas

The best for your chocolate ......The best for our life

Cacao Fino de Aroma del Ecuador -
Promoting direct trade and long lasting relations between great chocolate makers and cacao small family farmers

Cacao Cayapas 

It is an initiative of the Pepa de Oro association, grouping more than 150 fine/flavor cacao small family farmers, for a more direct trade with great chocolate makers around the world as we believe it will result in a better price for the Cayapas families, preservation of native forests and the guarantee of an increasing and constantly improving offer of high quality cacao beans.

  • Be part of a long lasting relation of direct trade with a local association of family farmers of the unique Ecuadorian arriba cacao.

  • Be more than a client, be a partner supporting the development of high quality standards in cocoa production and processing and the development of a vibrant territory.

  • Let´s build together trust and mutual collaboration to make from one of the best cocoa in the world, the greatest pleasure for consumers that also tastes good to the world.
About us image

The authentic ecuadorian arriba cacao: harvested in the midst of native forest by their ancestral inhabitants

¡A truly special cacao bean! 

  • The authentic ecuadorian arriba cacao, collected from old cacao trees located in native forests around the Onzole and Cayapas rivers

  • Farming, fermentation and drying follows organic, agroforestal and manual techniques.

  • Organoleptic studies show high nutty and fruity flavor and specially high levels of sweetness and low acidity compared to other ecuadorian beans.

  • Single origin guaranteed from the Cayapas territory

  • Samples showed less than 5% of violet cacao, presence of white cacao and some germination in our final product.
A special cocoa image
A special territory  image
Cocoa and territory: Cocoa harvested by ancestral inhabitants of the Chocó biodiverse territory (Afrodescendant, chachis, montubios, mestizos)

Economic opportunities: Cocoa production is a real alternative to migration of young populations to urban settlements and to the pressure for of adopting illegal activities so prevalent at the Colombia-Ecuador border

Native forest and water conservation: Cocoa culture prevents indiscriminate logging and progression of monocultures.
green water footprint +/- 1700 mm/year
blue water footprint inexistent
grey water footprint inexistent

The unique flavor of diversity!
 Cacao trees benefit from the shadow and aromas of diverse type of frutal trees (Hobo, borojó, chontaduro, guanábana, coconut, etc.), timber species (guayacán, cedar, tangare, etc.), and edible species (plantain, yucca, etc.). [dentro de recuadro con banner de fotos abajo de las diferentes frutas o en circulo]

Through a strategic alliance between Todoronda- specialized trade team- and Pepa de Oro- small family farmers association-, we are the bridge between special consumer needs and practices of producers in the field. We understand that small details in the cacao business make big differences in terms of final product quality. Thus we challenge ourselves to meet the highest standards in cacao quality and to fulfill special requirements from our selected clients. Let us know what you need!

Field training

Native producers are trained to use their traditional practices along with special techniques for post-harvesting and the protection of forest and water sources. We can adapt post-harvesting processes according to your needs.

Post-harvesting processes

We challenge ourselves to meet the highest standards in cacao post-harvesting quality and to fulfill special requirements from our selected clients.

Direct trade

Direct trade services in English, Spanish and French. Flexibility in volumes and delivery needs. Organic and sustainable certification upon requirement.

Cacao Cayapas: In the midst of one of the largest biodiverse regions in the world

  • Av. Veintimilla 3-25 y Av. 12 de Octubre, esq Edificio El Giron Torre E Pent House, Quito, Ecuador